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Village Municipal Office Phone: 845-279-3760
Village Court Office Phone: 845-279-4020
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 
Friday: CLOSED

Village of Brewster, NY

Village of Brewster Memorial Day Weekend Announcements: Office Closures & Road Closures

Attention Village of Brewster Residents and Members of the Surrounding Communities:

On Monday, May 30, 2022, VFW Post 672 will be hosting a Memorial Day Parade starting at 10:30 AM at the Brewster Fire Department, going down North Main Street and Railroad Avenue and ending at 11:30 AM at Electrozone Memorial Field, with a ceremony to follow shortly after. This will require the road to be closed starting 10:30 AM and ending at 11:30 AM. Once the ceremony ends, spectators are encouraged to gather at Markel Park on North Main Street to participate in a 5K Run, which will have runners run down North Main Street, onto Main Street, then running up Peaceable Hill Road. From there, runners will make a left onto Tonetta Lake Road and another left onto Griffen Road, to merge onto North Main Street and end at Markel Park. During this time the road will be closing at 12 PM and will not reopen until 2:30 PM. Please plan your travels through this area accordingly.

The Village of Brewster Offices will be closing on Friday, May 27, 2022 at 1 PM and will not reopen until 8:00 AM on Tuesday, May 31, 2022. Starting on May 31st the Village Offices will be on Summer Hours, which is 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Thursday and 8:00 AM to 1:30 PM on Fridays. This will be in effect until Labor Day Weekend.

Thank you and have a safe weekend.

850 Route 22 Application Work Session


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Brewster will hold a Work Sessions on Wednesday, May 11, 2022, beginning at 7:30 P.M. at Village Hall - 50 Main Street, Brewster, NY.  The work session is to evaluate the application for 850 Route 22 and no public comment will be taken during this time.

Hydrant Flushing April 20, 2022

What is it that makes the water turn orange when they flush the hydrant?
Minerals – Primarily Iron & Manganese
The Village of Brewster supply source is ground water drawn from five sand and gravel wells.
The semiannual hydrant flushing purges the system of the accumulated settlement of these minerals suspended in the ground water.
Opening the hydrants and increasing the water flow causes the disturbance of this settlement so that it may be flushed from the system.
Does running the tap water make it clear up faster?
No. To the contrary, running the water prolongs the turbulence in the system. The best thing to do is use as little water as possible for 12 to 24 hours so the system has a chance to settle out and clear.
Why does my toilet run after hydrant flushing?
Sometimes tiny particulate gets caught under the flush valve seal in the toilet holding tank preventing it from sealing tightly. The same can be true for washers and aerators (strainers) in faucets. Make sure your faucets and toilets are not leaking and are unobstructed after hydrant flushing. If you have strainers on washer supply hoses you should also check them but refraining from doing laundry for a 24 to 48-hour period from April 20th is recommended.
After this flushing, the next hydrant flushing is scheduled to be October 5, 2022.

Ellen Avenue Railroad Crossing Closure

The Metro North Railroad will be closing the railroad crossing by the Brewster Train Station for a grade crossing upgrade to the Ellen Avenue Roadroad Crossing.

The railroad crossing will be closed on the following dates: 

10 PM Friday, April 22 to 4 PM Sunday, April 24

10 PM Friday, April 29 to 4 PM Sunday, May 1

During these times above, all customers and residents should park their vehicles in the train station lot along North Main Street.

Non-emergency vehicles will not be able to cross the tracks while repair work is underway. 

Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this important infrastructure project.

Carmel Avenue Bridge Project Schedule

Attention Residents and Commuters:

The Department of Transportation has provided the Village of Brewster a schedule with work that will be done between now and May 6, 2022. The schedule is as follows:

  1. 04/14-04/15 – Sidewalk along Carmel Ave and N. Main St
  2. 04/18-04/19 – Reconstruction of Michael Neuner Dr, with road closure and detour
  3. 04/18-04/22 – Permanent Signs and Right-of-Way fence installation
  4. 04/25-04/29 – Traffic Loops and pedestrian signal installation
  5. 04/25-04/29 – Landscaping
  6. 05/02-05/04 – Final Paving and striping.


UPDATE AS OF 5/3/22: Final paving will take place starting May 9, 2022. Please avoid the intersection and travel with caution while passing through the area.

Village Offices Closing at 1 PM on April 15, 2022

The Village of Brewster Office and the Village Court will be closing at 1 PM on Friday, April 15, 2022. The Village would like to wish a Happy Passover and a Happy Easter to those who celebrate. 

FY 2023 Budget Work Sessions



PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Brewster will hold two Work Sessions on Wednesday, March 30, 2022 and Wednesday, April 6, 2022, both beginning at 7:00 P.M. at Village Hall - 50 Main Street, Brewster, NY.  The work sessions are to evaluate and rework the 2023 Tentative Budget and no public comment will be taken during those times.


By order of the
Board of Trustees of the
Village of Brewster
Michelle Chiudina
Village Clerk

Planning Board Public Hearing March 15, 2022


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Planning Board of the Village of Brewster will hold a Public Hearing pursuant to Village Law Section 7-728 and Village of Brewster Code Section 182-2 to hear the following application for Brewster Crossings. Brewster Crossing seeks approval of a 7-Lot Subdivision within the Village of Brewster as part of Phase 1 of a proposed transit-oriented development (TOD) project.  The project is bordered to the north by Main Street, to the west by Railroad Avenue, to the east by the Brewster Library, and to the south by Marvin Avenue and the East Branch Croton River. The Public Hearing for the Planning Board will be on March 15, 2022 at 7:30 PM at Village Hall, 50 Main Street, Brewster, NY 10509 and streamed on Zoom Cloud Meeting ID: 845 279 3760 or call 1-929-205-6099 and enter the Meeting ID when prompted. 

By Order of the

Planning Board of the

Village of Brewster

Michelle Chiudina

Village Clerk

Earth Day Clean-Up 2022 - April 23-24, 2022

The Village of Brewster and the Town of Southeast will be working together on a clean-up for Earth Day. There will be a booth at 67 Main Street, Old Town Hall, from 8 AM to 12 PM, where residents will recieve bags, gloves and vests, while supplies last. Those cleaning up a certain part of the Village need to notify Village Hall via email before the event or on a sign up sheet the day of the clean up. You can This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name, where you will be cleaning and what day to ensure the entire Village is covered. If you have any questions, please include them in your email or stop by the booth on April 23rd and April 24th. 

Board of Trustees Meeting 03/02/22

2 MARCH 2022
7:30 P.M.
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Brewster is holding a public hearing at 7:30 PM, on March 2, 2022 on Zoom Meeting, followed by a regular meeting starting at 7:31 PM or soon thereafter. The Meeting ID is 845 279 3760 and the phone number needed to call in is 1-929-205-6099.
Pledge to flag.
Notion of Exits
Public Hearing
Brewster Crossing consists of 408 multi-family rental units, street level retail, parking garages, and a 18,000-sf municipal office building in the B1 District. The project went through its initial review with the Planning Board where a SEQRA Finding Statement and Negative Declaration were adopted on January 18, 2022. The applicant seeks approval for a Special Exception Use Permit and granting the requested incentives as provided in Village Code §263-9.
Regular Meeting

  1. Monthly Reports
  2. 1. Planning Board Report for January & February, 2022.
  3. 2. Zoning Board Report for January, 2022.
  4. Financial Report.
  5. 1. 45+ Days Arrears Notices.
  6. 864 Route 22 Application.
  7. Minutes for Approval – February 16, 2022.
  8. Vouchers Payable
  9. Other Business
  10. New Business
  11. Public Comment
  12. Executive Session.
  13. Adjourn