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Village of Brewster, NY


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Reviews Cleanup at Brewster Well Field Superfund Site

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is conducting its fifth five-year review of the Brewster Well Field Superfund site, located in Village of Brewster, Putnam County, New York. The purpose of this five-year review is to ensure that the cleanup is functioning as intended and continues to be protective of public health and the environment. A summary of the cleanup activities and an evaluation of the protectiveness of the implemented cleanup plans will be included in the five-year review report.

What is an EPA Five-Year Review?

The purpose of a five-year review is to ensure that implemented cleanup plans at Superfund sites function as intended and continue to be protective of human health and the environment. These regular reviews, which are required by federal law when contaminants remain at a site, include:

  • Inspecting the site and cleanup technologies;
  • Reviewing monitoring data, operating data, and maintenance records; and,
  • Determining if any new relevant regulatory requirements have been established since EPA’s original cleanup decision was finalized.

When will EPA’s Five-Year Review Report be available?

It is anticipated that the five-year review report will be available at the website noted below by February 2022.

For more information:

There are several ways to review information on this site. The Administrative Record, which includes EPA decision documents used for selecting the cleanup, is available for public review at the information repository listed below. Project information is also available online at the website noted below.

EPA Region 2
Superfund Records Center
290 Broadway, 18th Floor
New York, New York 10007
(212) 637-4308 (call to make an appointment)

Brewster Village Hall
208 East Main Street
Brewster, NY 10509
Phone: (845) 279-3760

You may also contact:

If you have any questions or concerns about the site, please contact:

Lisa Wong
EPA Remedial Project Manager
Phone: (212) 637-4267
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Shereen Kandil
EPA Community Involvement Coordinator
Phone: (212) 637-4333
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For more information, visit: