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Village Municipal Office Phone: 845-279-3760
Village Court Office Phone: 845-279-4020
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 
Friday: CLOSED

Village of Brewster, NY

July Water Bill Correction

To Residents, Business Owners and Outside Water Users,

The Village of Brewster would like to inform all water users that the bills that were sent out on July 1,2020 are incorrect,but please know that this mistake will be remediated.

As many of you have noticed, we have a new bill layout as designed by our new program that we are using for billings. This new software is similar to our old software,but is still in the development stages as we continue to work to move all of our processes to a cloud-based server.

With that being said, there was an oversight in the water billing and all residents were charged the new rates for water from the previous reading date of March to April15, 2020, which should not have happened. The new rates were put into place on April15,2020 and the usage prior to that date should have been charged at the old rate.

After working with the programmers on this issue, we are able to give a credit to all water bills that are due August 3,2020, for the water used, that should have been charged at the old rate. If you have already paid your bill, you will receive a credit on your October water bill

for that amount. If you have not paid your bill,you may contact the Village Office for your new bill amount or you may choose to receive a credit on your next bill.

If you would like a breakdown of the calculations for the bills,please contact the Village Office at 845-279-3760 or email the Village Clerk at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The Village of Brewster Offices apologize for the error and the confusion it caused this community. We are all suffering in different ways and the most important notion to remember is that we are all in this together. I, as Village Clerk, apologize for this oversight and would like to assure the public that this will not happen again.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely,

Michelle Chiudina Village Clerk & Treasurer


Click here to view the July Water Bill Correction Letter