Honoring Sgt. Gurniak on Main Street
It is with great sadness that the Village of Brewster announces the passing of Sergeant Richard Gurniak. Over the last two years, Sgt Gurniak has served and protected the residents of the Village after retiring from the NYC Police Department and was well respected by all. On behalf of the Village of Brewster, we extend our condolences and prayers to his family and the members of the VOB Police Department. We will never forget his service to this community.
On Monday, April 22nd, Sgt. Richard Gurniak will make his final pass through the Village of Brewster on the way to his services in Rockland County, where he will be laid to rest. The escort will begin at 10 am and be led by the Village of Brewster Police Department. Please join us on Main Street in honoring his dedication and service to this community.